
Sunday, 2 October 2011

Application has active assertions beyond permitted time

If your application runs long running background task, then probably you would have seen several of these crash reports in your organizer's device logs.

"Application Specific Information:
<application_name> has active assertions beyond permitted time:
    <SBProcessAssertion: 0x1fa7cef0> identifier: UIKitBackgroundCompletionTask process: OpenMobile[1087] permittedBackgroundDuration: 600.000000 reason: finishTask owner pid:1087 preventSuspend  preventIdleSleep ,
    <SBProcessAssertion: 0x1ed0ad70> identifier: UIKitBackgroundCompletionTask process: OpenMobile[1087] permittedBackgroundDuration: 600.000000 reason: finishTask owner pid:1087 preventSuspend  preventIdleSleep ,
    <SBProcessAssertion: 0x1fa96c80> identifier: UIKitBackgroundCompletionTask process: OpenMobile[1087] permittedBackgroundDuration: 600.000000 reason: finishTask owner pid:1087 preventSuspend  preventIdleSleep ,

What this tell is that your application is running (or has not marked a task as 'end') a background task beyond the permitted time. In order to understand this we should dive into the concept of long running background tasks.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Google+ = Mature Facebook

Google+, a free service that has smart and thoughtful solutions to some irksome limits entrenched in other social-media sites, mainly related to privacy settings and how to share links and posts with groups.

Google+ seems aimed at people who are more interested in sharing things with people or groups with similar interests rather than simply amassing the biggest number of online "friends." Its seamless integration with other Google services you may use, from search to online documents, makes it easier to share things online.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Application executable is missing a required architecture (armv6)

If you have recently migrated to XCode 4 from the previous version, after building and testing your application, you might face an issue during the upload through iTunesConnect. While uploading the the application the application loader reports an error "Application executable is missing a required architecture (armv6)".

There are several blogs talking about this problem and the solution they present are: